Passap pushers, arrow keys, needles and lock settings

Depending on the lock setting, pushers may affect the performance of the needles. The performance may also be affected if arrow keys are selected.

The DM80 has arrow keys on both the front and back locks while the E6000 has arrow keys on the back lock only. The console does not control the E6000 back lock therefore it funtions in the same manner as the back lock of a DM80. 

While the arrow keys on the front lock of a DM80 are used to control some types of patterning, electronic patterning via the front lock on an E6000 is totally controlled by the console. As a result, the E6000 front lock does not have arrow keys.

Via a series of exercises, this ePub takes you through all the functionalities of the back lock settings with and without arrow keys so that you will gain a better understanding of how they work.

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